Going Postal

Going Postal Terry Pratchett


Going Postal (Discworld #33)

A Discworld Novel

The post was an old thing, of course, but it was so old that it had magically become new again.

Moist von Lipwig is a con artist and a fraud and a man faced with a life choice: be hanged, or put Ankh-Morpork's ailing postal service back on its feet.

It’s a tough decision.

The post is a creaking old institution, overshadowed by new technology. But there are people who still believe in it, and Moist must become one of them if he's going to see that the mail gets though, come rain, hail, sleet, dogs, the Post Office Workers Friendly and Benevolent Society, the evil chairman of the Grand Trunk Semaphore Company, and a midnight killer.

Getting a date with Adora Bell Dearheart would be nice, too.

Perhaps there's a shot at redemption in the mad world of the mail, waiting for a man who's prepared to push the envelope...

Fantasia / Ficção / Humor, Comédia

Edições (2)

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Going Postal
Going Postal


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Monopólio. Empresas de comunicação. Crise nos Correios. Chantagem, fraude, corrupção, assassinato. Parece familiar? Essas são as bases do trigésimo terceiro romance da série Discworld, publicado em 2004, que também foi adaptado pela Sky1 em 2010. Assisti os dois episódios da adaptação à época, mas só agora vim ler o livro (obedecendo minha agenda interna de tentar ler a série toda mais ou menos na ordem). E, a despeito de saber como a história terminava, para onde exatamente Pratchett... leia mais


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Srta. Oliver
cadastrou em:
06/03/2016 13:12:10

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