Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #3

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #3 Mo Xiang Tong Xiu


Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #3

Mo Dao Zu Shi

As the grandmaster of demonic cultivation, Wei Wuxian roamed the world, hated by millions for committing acts of necromancy. Overthrown by the powerful clans he had attempted to subjugate, Wei Wuxian is supposedly killed by his shidi in order to save the cultivation world.

Restored to life in the body of Mo Xuanyu, the local cut-sleeve lunatic, in order to exact revenge on his abusive relatives, Wei Wuxian quickly finds himself spiralling back into his old life when he's taken away by the cold-hearted, stern, and ultimately quite boring Lan Wangji - who might be harbouring warmer feelings than contempt. Perhaps of the... romantic kind?

But despite his new beginning, Wei Wuxian begins to unravel a decade and a half long mystery that is set to undo the very fabric of the cultivation world as they know it.

A mysterious, action-packed thriller of a ride, this is a journey you won't want to miss!

Ficção / Humor, Comédia / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #3


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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #1
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #2
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #4
Mo Dao Zu Shi #5

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on 22/6/22

Eu pensei que iria me irritar com a forma como a autora volta ao passado sem avisos prévios, mas acabei gostando do método dela de contar partes da história passada como forma de justificar ou relembrar coisas que estão acontecendo ou estão sendo mencionadas no presente. Tal processo promove uma narrativa mais coesa e de fácil entendimento, sendo esse um ponto forte dessa obra. Ademais, mostrar resquícios da história pela perspectiva de outros personagens, mas, ao mesmo tempo, fazendo... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.7 / 126
ranking 83
ranking 16
ranking 1
ranking 1
ranking 0



Emily Faria
cadastrou em:
09/01/2021 19:23:16
editou em:
06/01/2022 22:32:09

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