Hard for a Harpy

Hard for a Harpy Lauren Connolly


Hard for a Harpy (Folk Haven #5)

A Fake Dating Witch Boyfriend Romance

Zara plans on finding a magical mate, starting a small family, and living a quiet life as a harpy in the town of Folk Haven. She does not plan on dating a sensual witch who hates magic. When Zara’s ex messes up her chance for happily ever after, she decides to organize her approach to love. The best way to find the perfect mythical partner in life is through a thorough research and vetting process. But once she finds the right man to spend the rest of her life with, there’s the problem of seducing him. But maybe the hot new witch in town can give her a helpful boost… Anthony Shelly avoids all things magical, but when his three siblings move to the mythic-filled town of Folk Haven, he settles in for a long visit. And what better way to pass his time than flirting with a tightly wound harpy in need of a little fun? When she asks him for a favor that would have him in her bed for a few months, the answer is an easy yes. But as Zara uses Anthony’s temptation skills to find herself a mate, the magic-rejecting witch can’t help wondering if he could be the one to make her dreams come true instead …

Hard for a Harpy is a standalone romance in the steamy, cozy, magical Folk Haven series with a guaranteed HEA. Readers who adore Molly Harper and C.M. Nascosta will enjoy curling up with this mystical small-town romance!

Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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Hard for a Harpy


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on 9/7/23

Sem dúvida nenhuma o melhor livro da saga até agora, eu digo com certeza absoluta! Todo o arco sobre os irmãos MacNamara foi bem cativante, mas agora que estamos no arco dos irmãos Shelly eu to toda me tremendo com o quão bom isso é. Sabe, se o livro da Ame foi bom, esse que é sobre o Anthony é melhor ainda! A química entre ele e a Zara meu Deus do céu! Eu quero morrer com o quão bom eles são juntos. Fora que todos os momentos mais hots do livro (e são muitos e bons) ele ee coloca e... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/07/2023 19:15:22
editou em:
09/07/2023 19:15:50

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