Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince J.K. Rowling


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

‘In a brief statement on Friday night, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned to this country and is once more active.

“It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord – well, you know who I mean – is alive and among us again,” said Fudge.’

These dramatic words appeared in the final pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

In the midst of this battle of good and evil, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince takes up the story of Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with Voldemort’s power and followers increasing day by day...

Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção / Aventura / Infantojuvenil

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


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Minha experiência lendo pela primeira vez já adulta
on 30/9/20

Depois do retorno de Voldemort no quarto livro, eu concluí que dali para frente seria só para trás. Eu não fui muito fã do caminho que a história tomou agora que o vilão voltou com força total, especialmente porque os livros ficaram muito longos e foi um parto terminar os volumes 5 e 6. Infelizmente os elementos que eu mais amo da série (as amizades, as aulas de Hogwarts, Quidditch, as piadinhas da família Weasley, o clima feliz e acolhedor) foram praticamente abandonados e a história ... leia mais


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Jeff C. F.
cadastrou em:
19/08/2011 01:13:01

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