Heart Breaker

Heart Breaker Erin McCarthy


Heart Breaker

Theyre perfectly in tunebut only when it comes to their music. This sizzling romance from New York Times bestselling author Erin McCarthy follows Nashvilles hottest country music duo as they fight for love in a city where dreams often cost a broken heart. Self-made singer/songwriter Jolene Hart loves everything about being on top in Nashville. Well, everything except her very public breakup with Chance Rivers, her sexy masculine other half. Once the hottest duo on the scene, they turned Music City on its ear. Now their careers are as cold as their relationship. Which is why their manager has practically locked them in a remote cabin with nothing but a guitar, a bed, and time to do what they do best: make some beautiful music together. As Nashville royalty, Chance has big boots to filland the pressure that comes with em. He fell hard for Jolene, but he couldnt handle the spotlight, the crowds, and the fights that made headlines and killed any notion that love and success could go hand-in-hand. Still, Chance is more than willing to rekindle the one thing that worked: the wild passion behind their hit songs. Soon theyre making up for lost time, in the steamiest ways possible. But Chance finds himself wishing for the impossible: that their intimate hideaway could last forever. Praise for Heart Breaker Chance and Jolene felt real to me. Their problems felt real. And their attraction felt out of this world. I loved them both separately and together. . . . For any music romance fan, I highly recommend Heart Breaker. It was a whole lot of fun, and I cant wait to see what else McCarthy brings with this new series.Harlequin Junkie Happy endings are satisfying, and this one felt really satisfying because Chance and Jolene had to work for it. The character development nailed it for me. . . . Ill definitely snatch up the next one when it comes out.The Romance Factor Watching these two find each other again is not only sweet and hopeful, its funny and witty. Sure they had to go through some hurt to get there, but it made it worth it in the end. It made them stronger for it. . . . [Heart Breaker is] a wild ride of ups and downs, fun and laughter.Books & Boys Book Blog Includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

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