Heir to Sevenwaters

Heir to Sevenwaters Juliet Marillier


Heir to Sevenwaters

The chieftains of Sevenwaters have long been custodians of a vast forest, said by some to be one of the last refuges of the Tuatha De Danann, the Fair Folk of ancient story. Whatever the truth, Human and Otherworld dwellers have existed side by side in peace, sharing a wary trust. Until the spring when Lady Aisling of Sevenwaters finds herself expecting another child, and everything changes.

With her mother pregnant, Clodagh fears for her health, as Aisling is well past the safe age for childbearing. Her father, Lord Sean of Sevenwaters, son of the famous Sorcha who performed her miraculous sacrifice all those years ago, faces his own difficulties, as warring factions threaten his borders. When Aisling gives birth, the responsibility of caring for the infant falls to Clodagh while her mother recovers.

Then the family's joy turns to despair when an unspeakable horror falls upon Sevenwaters. Clodagh must finally confront the shadowy mystery of the silent forest and descend to the Otherworld, to find out why the trust between the two realms has been broken so tragically.

Accompanied on her quest by a warrior of uncertain allegiance, Clodagh will have her courage tested to breaking point. The reward may be far greater than she ever dreamed...


Edições (3)

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Heir to Sevenwaters
Heir to Sevenwaters
Heir to Sevenwaters


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Resenhas para Heir to Sevenwaters (2)

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Heir to sevenwaters
on 14/3/10

Um das várias coisas que me fascina na escritora Juliet Marillier, não é somente a forma que ela trata a cultura celta, mas como ela nos envolver com as histórias dos personagens. Esta série é maravilhosa pelo fato que desde o começo nós acompanhamos o desenrolar de cada personagem e acompanhamos suas histórias. Nesta história é sobre a Clodagh, filha de Sean ,irmão gemeo de Liadan que foi protagonista no livro 2 desta serie; Esta personagem enfrenta não só seres do outro mundo,com... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 17
ranking 53
ranking 24
ranking 12
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ranking 12



cadastrou em:
05/08/2010 11:33:27

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