Here For The Cake

Here For The Cake Jennifer Millikin


Here For The Cake

A spicy, sassy, and swoony fake dating romantic comedy from Amazon Charts bestselling author Jennifer Millikin.

A week on an island sounds like the stuff of beach dreams, but for Paisley Royce, it's a nightmare. Her little sister is marrying her ex-college sweetheart, and Paisley is serving as maid of honor. To add insult to injury, nobody will let Paisley forget she’s single.

Bachelorette weekend changes everything when she runs into her old college frenemy, Klein Madigan.

Klein is still intelligent and funny, and somehow time has only made him more attractive.

Paisley is Klein’s ‘one that got away’, not that he’d ever admit it to her. A colossal misstep (and one terrible kiss) in college sealed their fate.

Or so they thought.

Klein’s an aspiring author allergic to social media. Paisley owns a digital marketing agency.

A brilliant plan is hatched: A trip across the country for a week of faking out her family in exchange for her firm marketing his work.

One hastily scrawled and signed contract on a bar napkin later, Paisley and Klein embark on a journey of tension, only one bed, and fake dating shenanigans.

Paisley’s goal is to survive the week.

Klein’s plan is to enjoy the sun, sand, and wedding cake.

But then there’s a scorching kiss to make up for that bad one in college.

And another kiss in a lighthouse during a thunderstorm. A gentle palm on Paisley’s lower back, and a reassuring hand squeeze under the table.

Everyone is convinced Klein and Paisley are the real deal, but as the week wears on, they begin to wonder if the only people they’re kidding are themselves.


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Here For The Cake


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Here for the Cake
on 4/5/24

Este livro é tão fofo! Paisley é corajosa, linda, esperta e compassiva. Klein é bonito, inteligente, gentil e um ?book boyfriend? apaixonante. ?Here for the Cake? é um livro de romance engraçado, sensual e comovente sobre família, segundas chances, proteger e defender a si mesmo e aqueles que você ama e seguir seu coração!... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.8 / 3
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cadastrou em:
02/05/2024 16:36:43
editou em:
02/05/2024 16:37:01

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