
Hex Anna Hackett


Hex (Sentinel Security #6)

She’s the genius hacker known as Hex.

He’s a ghost—the deep-cover spy known only as Shade.

They generate a dangerous level of white-hot sparks, but he needs her help on a deadly mission.

Jet “Hex” Adler loves being a goddess of all thing tech. She provides her team at Sentinel Security with intel and comms, and she’s good at it. No, brilliant. Sure, sometimes it’s hard to be stuck in the office while her guys are in the field, but computers, tech, and drones are her thing. If only she had the same luck with men.

And that does not include a certain hot, cocky, annoying spy.

Cain aka Shade is dedicated to his country. He does the hard, dangerous work so others don’t have to. He came from nothing, he’s alone, unattached. A man like him has nothing to lose. For Cain, life is always about the mission. It can never be about a certain small, smart, feisty hacker.

But now he needs Jet for an important assignment to stop high-tech drone schematics falling into enemy hands.

Of course, Jet will do anything to help save the world…okay, not the entire world, but a lot of innocent lives. Even if it means going undercover with the man who knows how to push every one of her buttons. But as they work together, dodging danger and bad guys, their scorching attraction explodes…and Cain will realize that for the first time in his life, someone is more important to him than his mission.

*** An action-packed standalone romantic suspense.

Romance / Romance policial

Edições (1)

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The Investigator
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Resenhas para Hex (1)

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on 18/1/24

Último livro dessa série muito boa. Hex é a hacker que trabalha na Sentinel Security. Ela quer ter o que seus amigos conseguiram, alguém para amar e receber amor em troca. Ela tem uma queda pelo misterioso espião Shade. Shade vive pela sua profissão e para resolver os problemas de seu país, sentimentos não fazem parte de seu dia a dia, mas uma certa hacker faz seu coração querer bater fora do compasso. Agora eles vão ter que trabalhar juntos para impedir a venda de um chip que desenv... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
16/06/2023 09:03:42
editou em:
16/06/2023 09:04:08

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