Hotter Than Ever

Hotter Than Ever Elle Kennedy


Hotter Than Ever (Out Of Uniform #5)

When you land in hot water, swim for safety—or let the fire burn.

An Out of Uniform Story

Claire McKinley has just experienced every bride’s nightmare. The groom is a no-show, and now she must face five hundred guests alone. Furious and humiliated, Claire seeks help from the most unlikely candidate—her almost-brother-in-law, who promptly whisks her away to his apartment in San Diego, where she can recover her pride in peace and quiet.

Dylan Wade is no fan of Claire’s, but no way can he leave the jilted bride in her time of need. Bringing her home seems like a good idea—until he remembers his new roommate. Dylan’s relationship with Aidan is…complicated. And with Claire thrown into the mix, life becomes even more…complicated.

Claire is blindsided by her attraction not only to Dylan, but also to Aidan, a man she’s just met. Soon they’re caught up in an all-consuming sexual storm they can’t fight even if they wanted to. Yet Claire wonders if it can last, or if she’s just setting herself up for more heartache.

Warning: This book is very dirty. Ménage a trois and man-on-man dirty. Graphic-language and explicit-sex dirty. Basically? Dirty. You’ve been warned.

Chick-lit / Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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Hotter Than Ever
Hotter Than Ever


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Uma Bosta em Forma de Livro!
on 6/4/21

Esse com certeza foi um dos piores livros que eu já li. Claire acabou de ser abandonada no altar pelo seu noivo Christian, o cara simplesmente se manda, avisando que não vai mais ter casamento e sobra pra quem avisar a coitada da noiva? O irmão do noivo, Dylan. Depois de dar a notícia a Claire, Dylan leva a garota pra casa dele e lá ela conhece o namorado e parceiro de Dylan, Aiden. E a partir dai começa a putaria. Primeira coisa que odiei: Como assim você acaba de ser aban... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 61
ranking 21
ranking 48
ranking 16
ranking 7
ranking 8



cadastrou em:
05/07/2014 17:00:15
editou em:
05/01/2021 14:51:33

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