How to Be a Hero Like a Villain: Using Villainous Tactics to Do a World of Good

How to Be a Hero Like a Villain: Using Villainous Tactics to Do a World of Good Alydia Rackham


How to Be a Hero Like a Villain: Using Villainous Tactics to Do a World of Good

Often, we find ourselves yelling things at our favorite Hero on the screen like, "For crying out loud, don't do that! Don't go in there! Stop wasting your time! Watch out--don't you know what's in there?" We easily see the choices that the Hero makes that are flawed, impulsive, or just plain stupid. But very rarely do we notice such things about the Villain. What is it that the Villain does that the Hero is not doing, which makes him so successful? There's something about a Villain--a really great one--that keeps him in the game, that makes him a serious threat to the Hero, even after being beaten over and over again. How is it that a Villain keeps coming back, when similar failures and losses would crush a Hero and send him home forever, never again to don the super suit? Could it be that a Villain's methods, his mindset, his approach, are vastly different from a Hero's? And, if a Hero could learn to take these qualities and mesh them with his own already-existing awesomeness, could he perhaps avoid another devastating loss, a crushing defeat? Is fact...what does make the Hero succeed in the end? That's what this book is about. Examining what truly is awesome about a great Villain, and showing YOU how you can put those qualities to use in your own life to do a great deal of good, instead of great evil. Be a great Hero. Take a few tips from the Villains.

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How to Be a Hero Like a Villain: Using Villainous Tactics to Do a World of Good



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