Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind

Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind Johann Gottfried Herder


Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind

One of the most important works of the Enlightenmentin the first new, unabridged English translation in more than two centuries Published in four volumes between 1784 and 1791, Herders Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind is one of the most important works of the Enlightenmenta bold, original, and encyclopedic synthesis of, and contribution to, the eras philosophical debates over nature, history, culture, and the very meaning of human experience. This is the first new, unabridged English translation of the Ideas in more than two centuries. Gregory Martin Moores lively, modern English text, extensive introduction, and commentary bring this neglected masterpiece back to life. The Ideaswhich engages with many of the leading thinkers of the eighteenth century, such as Montesquieu, Kant, Gibbon, Ferguson, Buffon, and Rousseauis many things at once: an inquiry into the unity and purpose of history, a reflection on human nature and the place of humans in the cosmic order, an examination of what was beginning to be called culture, and a narrative of cultural progress across time among different peoples. Along the way, Herder considers a dizzying variety of topics, including the formation of the earth and solar system, species change, race, the immortality of the soul, the establishment of society, and the pursuit of happiness. Above all, the Ideas is an anthropologywhat Alexander Pope had termed an essay on manpervaded by an appropriately humane spirit. A fresh and much-needed modern translation of the complete Ideas, this volume reintroduces English readers to a classic of Enlightenment thought.

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26/01/2024 06:40:45

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