In The Afterlight

In The Afterlight Alexandra Bracken


In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds #3)

Ruby can't look back. Fractured by an unbearable loss, she and the kids who survived the government's attack on Los Angeles travel north to regroup. Only Ruby can keep their highly dangerous prisoner in check. But with Clancy Gray, there's no guarantee you're fully in control, and everything comes with a price.

When the Children's League disbands, Ruby rises up as a leader and forms an unlikely allegiance with Liam's brother, Cole, who has a volatile secret of his own. There are still thousands of other Psi kids suffering in government "rehabilitation camps" all over the country. Freeing them--revealing the governments unspeakable abuses in the process--is the mission Ruby has claimed since her own escape from Thurmond, the worst camp in the country.

But not everyone is supportive of the plan Ruby and Cole craft to free the camps. As tensions rise, competing ideals threaten the mission to uncover the cause of IAAN, the disease that killed most of America's children and left Ruby and others with powers the government will kill to keep contained. With the fate of a generation in their hands, there is no room for error. One wrong move could be the spark that sets the world on fire.

Distopia / Ficção científica / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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In the Afterlight
In The Afterlight


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Resenhas para In The Afterlight (15)

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on 25/8/16

Eu não esperava por um final desses. Ou uma história que se construísse de uma maneira tão legal. Ruby, nossa mocinha, se tornou uma pessoa totalmente diferente da personagem medrosa do primeiro livro. Vi claramente a evolução da personagem, o modo como todos imaginam que outras pessoas estavam manipulando ela, como é difícil de acreditar que uma garota que passou por tanta coisa fosse"capaz" de tomar decisões importantes. Esse livro não ficou centrado no romance entre a Ruby e o Lia... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 148
ranking 53
ranking 36
ranking 9
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/04/2014 22:41:12
Nina Barb
editou em:
23/03/2017 17:36:19

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