Initiating Christian

Initiating Christian Emma Wildes


Initiating Christian (Brothers Of The Absinthe Club #3.1)

Cristian Foster - Lauren De Serre

A scandal shy woman and a secret admirer...

Lauren DeSerre is widowed, independent, and most importantly, values respectability. It was bad enough that her affair with the notorious Duke of Bellingham ever came to light, but when her rakish former lover reveals his younger brother has a penchant for her, she cannot believe she is the least bit tempted. One taste of scandal was more than enough. However, Christian is just the opposite of the devilish duke, and his interest unexpectedly intrigues her.

Christian Foster harbors a hidden passion. He knows he isn't in the least like his charming older sibling, especially when it comes to women, but it doesn't stop him from having a fantasy or two about the captivating woman he just can't get out of his mind. When he discovers he has an opportunity to spend a clandestine evening with the luscious Lauren DeSerre, he can't help but accept. After all, it might be his only chance to prove to her that when you couple love with physical attraction, the combination can be combustible...

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Initiating Christian


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Iniciando (eu quero um) Christian - Brothers of the Absinthe Club 3 - Emma "Mocinho"
on 3/10/13

Em 1800 e bolinhas era comum casamentos arranjados, muitas vezes esse era o único caminho para a sobrevivência financeira das tradicionais famílias quatrocentonas da época, que uniam seus títulos de nobreza às fortunas não tão tradicionais para consolidar os egos enfraquecidos e atenuar as desgraças contábeis e, em alguns casos, apenas por cobiçarem a grama mais verde do vizinho. Eles faziam o que fosse necessário para não ir à bancarrota. Com Helena não poderia ser diferente. Duran... leia mais


Avaliações 3.4 / 17
ranking 24
ranking 24
ranking 35
ranking 12
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
05/11/2012 10:09:26
editou em:
24/07/2022 09:14:00

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