Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell Susanna Clarke


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Centuries ago, when magic still existed in England, the greatest magician of them all was the Raven King. A human child brought up by fairies, the Raven King blended fairy wisdom and human reason to create English magic. Now, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, he is barely more than a legend, and England, with its mad King and its dashing poets, no longer believes in practical magic.
Then the reclusive Mr Norrell of Hurtfew Abbey appears and causes the statues of York Cathedral to speak and move. News spreads of the return of magic to England and, persuaded that he must help the government in the war against Napoleon, Mr Norrell goes to London. There he meets a brilliant young magician and takes him as a pupil. Jonathan Strange is charming, rich and arrogant. Together, they dazzle the country with their feats.
But the partnership soon turns to rivalry. Mr Norrell has never conquered his lifelong habits of secrecy, while Strange will always be attracted to the wildest, most perilous magic. He becomes fascinated by the shadowy figure of the Raven King, and his heedless pursuit of long-forgotten magic threatens, not only his partnership with Norrell, but everything that he holds dear.
Elegant, witty and utterly compelling, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell creates a past world of great mystery and beauty that will hold the reader in thrall until the last page.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (11)

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Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell


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Resenhas para Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (163)

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Pense num livro difícil? ele tem tudo pra ser excelente, só que não é. História boa, mas com MUITA enrolação. As vezes a leitura flui tranquilamente, aí do nada o ritmo cai abruptamente. Pô, a autora foi sagaz na ideia da história. É uma parada bem fora da curva, mas que foi abordada de uma forma muito morosa. Um dos poucos livros que me dava um sono infinito. Tem umas notas de rodapé gigantes que, em inúmeras vezes, não interferem em absolutamente nada. Só pra explicar uma coisa qu... leia mais

Vídeos Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (4)

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Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (Susanna Clark


Avaliações 4.2 / 1.331
ranking 51
ranking 28
ranking 16
ranking 4
ranking 1



Bibi Souza
cadastrou em:
24/11/2022 00:52:31
Bibi Souza
editou em:
24/11/2022 00:52:49