Junk Shop Blues

Junk Shop Blues Cole McCade


Junk Shop Blues (Criminal Intentions: Season One #2)

A murdered night club mogul unlocks a web of infidelity and deceit. The most likely suspect? The daughter of the richest family in Baltimore, if only Detectives Malcolm Khalaji and Seong-Jae Yoon can piece the evidence together. The clues just aren't lining up—but Malcolm can't tell if he's missing a piece of the puzzle or completely missing the mark. The McAllister case still haunts him. So many dead. So many he couldn't save. It's throwing him off his game.

And the only one who really understands is his strange, coldly aloof partner.

A partner he can never see the same way, after a moment of intimacy that haunts him as much as the voices of the dead.

Seong-Jae Yoon is struggling in his own way. He can't solve the case when he can't trust Malcolm, and he can't trust Malcolm when the grizzled old wolf is growing increasingly erratic, increasingly dangerous. What disturbs Seong-Jae is how much he needs to trust Malcolm. He doesn't get that close. He doesn't get that involved.

But he may have no choice, if they want to stop a powerful killer from slipping away.

LGBT / GLS / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Junk Shop Blues


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Resenhas para Junk Shop Blues (3)

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"Sometimes, keeping up with Malcolm Khalaji was exhausting."
on 21/5/20

what I'm supposed to say? Well, it's amazing? If you make a list and write what representation you would like to see in books, you can put a ? in basically all. Is really amazing and so natural, I just feel so soft. I can literally look to whatever characters here and identify myself. It's crazy, a history about like two days? Less than a week and be so complete and well written Here we can investigate together who the perp is, I'm happy because in episode one we don't, and I reall... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
24/09/2019 14:36:23
editou em:
28/01/2022 10:38:12

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