Just Chance

Just Chance Dillon Hunter


Just Chance

Big celebrities don’t turn up in small towns every day.

Frankie Moretti isn’t exactly bored with small-town life in Bridgewater, Georgia… but he isn’t exactly not bored with it, either. He certainly never expects to run into a celebrity there. A hot, friendly, single celebrity who may or may not be flirting with him. One who turns out to be gay, likes his flowers, and needs a favor...

A visit home wasn’t supposed to cause so many problems.

Hawk Hawkins doesn’t mind coming back to Bridgewater… for a day or two. But getting stuck there for six weeks? Oh, hell no. He’d much rather recover from his latest football-related injury back in the big city where there’s actually a chance to have some fun. The trouble is, this injury wasn’t earned on the field, but rather in his family's backyard.

And if his NFL team owners get wind of it? It might just prove to be one too many injuries for his career to take.

Lying has never been so much fun.

The paparazzi have descended, and they’ve got no interest in protecting Hawk’s career by keeping his hospital stay under wraps. It’s a good thing they got distracted snapping pics of the football star’s new boyfriend.

Wait, what? Hawk doesn’t have a boyfriend…

Just Chance is a gay romance novel of approximately 88,000 words that contains a flower delivery guy who has no trouble pretending to fall for the famous football player who treats him like gold, cracked ribs, seniors offering tips on gay dating etiquette, a chance at true love, and a whole lot of vacuuming. This feel-good standalone novel has a whole lot of sweet, plenty of heat, and a happily-ever-after that will make true romantics swoon.

Erótico / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Just Chance


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