Just Friends

Just Friends Elizabeth Grey


Just Friends (The Agency #1)

Violet Archer has her dream job at one of London’s top advertising agencies, and the fact she gets to work with Ethan Fraser every day makes it even better. He’s the best friend a girl could have. And she’s never even noticed how hot he is. Nope. Definitely not.

When a big night out deteriorates into a great big mess, Violet’s world starts to wobble like a drunk giraffe on stilts. She’s caught in a web of secrets, none of which are hers. And maybe she is starting to notice how hot Ethan is, after all. And sweet and kind and… oh dear.

Has Violet fallen for her best friend? Can their friendship survive yet another secret? And, the question Violet is most scared to ask, could Ethan have feelings for her too?

The Agency series is based in London and set in the exciting world of advertising. Following the intertwined lives of a group of kickass career women, the series is a heartwarming mix of angsty romance and laugh-out-loud humour. Each book is numbered chronologically in the series, but every title is a complete story in its own right.

FRIENDLY NOTE. All of Elizabeth's books feature realistic characters who do things real people do (like have sex) and say things real people say (like drop f-bombs).

Romance / Chick-lit

Edições (3)

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Apenas amigos
Just Friends


Resenhas para Just Friends (71)

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on 4/7/23

Muita confusão e pouco romance esperava um livro leve e no primeiro momento parece que vai ser isso mais e tanta besteira que acontece nessa empresa personagens tão ridículos, morte drogas, ameaças, assédio e drama de família o mocinho que simplesmente fica com a inimiga sério e tanta confusão com um protagonista sem personalidade, o livro foca em tudo menos no relacionamento deles não me parece uma super amizade e quando o romance finalmente começa o livro acaba.... leia mais

Vídeos Just Friends (1)

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APENAS AMIGOS?+ Conto Always You?Resenha?Elizabeth Grey

APENAS AMIGOS?+ Conto Always You?Resenha?Eliz


Avaliações 3.2 / 333
ranking 16
ranking 31
ranking 35
ranking 12
ranking 7



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22/03/2020 10:22:50

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