Just Go With It

Just Go With It Madison Wright


Just Go With It (Just Us Book #1)

Lo Summers’ life is falling apart.

In a matter of weeks, she’s lost her job and her home. To top it all off, she has a chronic illness and no health insurance. Then a photo of Lo looking cozy with her friend, Weston King, a famous YouTube star, goes viral, and it forces them to confront a past they tucked away a long time ago. Although there isn’t anything between them now, things were different six years ago. That is, until Wes moved across the country, taking all chances of a relationship with him.

Weston King is ready to start over.

When he moved to California six years ago, he thought it would change the trajectory of his career. And it did, but in the past few months, thanks to some bad press, he’s felt hollow. There’s been something missing, and Wes knows exactly who it is. He expects to have to beg Lo for another chance, but when the photo of them goes viral, it’s like opportunity has been dropped in his lap. Convincing Lo to date him is daunting, but convincing her to marry him for health insurance and a place to crash? That might be easier.

Falling hard again seems inevitable, but their friendship barely survived the wreckage last time. Trying again could end in disaster, or…it could be the best thing to happen to either of them.

Should they just go with it?

Humor, Comédia / Jovem adulto / Romance

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Just Go With It


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"I need you to tell me you want this as much as I do. I'll come back for you if you w

Aqui tinha tudo pra ser muito que bom: casamento de conveniência, meio que um segunda chance. A história tem um ritmo bom, o casal tem química, mas algumas atitudes na reta final da galera em relação à mocinha me deixaram “jura mesmo gente????”... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
23/10/2022 03:54:07
editou em:
04/06/2023 09:35:54