Keep Talking

Keep Talking Friederike Klippel


Keep Talking (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching

"Keep Talking" contains over one hundred different fluency-building activities for the language teacher to use either directly, or with modification, in her language classroom. Each activity has a well defined purpose, whether it be functional or structural, and is categorized according to language level, skill and student arrangement, stating clearly whether or not preparation is necessary, and how long the tasks typically take. The procedural instructions are lucid and relatively easy to convey to most groups of language learners, and there is also scope for variation for many of these language games, along with helpful comments on how make such activities fun and achievable. If one also includes the importance of making notes, and obtaining feedback, which Kippel suggests in the introduction, then it is clear just how useful this book is. Although I was at first confused as to why the author grouped his language learning activities under themes such as jigsaw task, interview, or story telling, rather than according to function or structure, I think his point is to focus on fluency and engendering a communicative atmosphere, rather than to actually teach anything or practice something too specific. The teacher's role, therefore, appears to be as a facilitator or classroom manager. In any case, the indexes include language structure (but not function) and level, making navigating relatively straight-forward. "Keep Talking" also contains about sixty worksheets which can be copied for use in class. Although I no longer use them in my teaching situation, I borrow ideas from them all the time. This book is not suitable for formal institutions, but otherwise, whether you are new to language teaching, or a seasoned pro, I feel fairly confident that there is something in this book for you.

Didáticos / Técnico / Educação / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Keep Talking



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