King of the Court

King of the Court R.S. Grey


King of the Court

We don’t get a lot of NBA superstars coming through little ol’ Pine Hill, Texas. That’s why everyone is all in a tizzy over the fact that the USA men’s Olympic basketball team will be training here of all places before this year’s Summer Games. With little else to talk about, rumors about the players have been spreading like wildfire, and there’s one man in the middle of it all holding a match.

Ben Castillo.
NBA champion.
Olympic gold medalist.
Widely hailed ‘King of the Court’.

The morning he walks into my dingy diner, I have enough sense to keep my head down and go right on wiping tables, pouring coffee, and serving up short stacks. A man who looks like that—superstar or not—has only ever meant trouble, and more trouble is the last thing I need, what with taking care of Nan and scraping by on tips from truckers.

If anything, he seems drawn to my indifference. His steely gaze pierces me behind the counter. My knees nearly buckle under the weight of his attention. But while Mr. Pretty Boy is probably used to snagging city girls with a smile, this gal is country strong.

I won’t be some clichéd convenience for him on his way through town.

So look over your choices carefully, Benny-boy. We serve up sides of hash browns here, not heartbreak.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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King of the Court


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Thanks the author for this ARC! Happy bookday! Raelynn é garçonete em uma lanchonete na pequena cidade de Pine Hill, localizada no interior do Texas. Porém, sua vida e a dos habitantes mudam completamente quando o time de basquete chega na cidade para treinar para as Olimpíadas, principalmente quando ela chama a atenção da estrela do time, Ben Castillo. Raelynn é uma guerreira. Ela se desdobra em dois péssimos empregos, tudo para poder pagar a casa de repouso que sua avó reside a... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 150
ranking 29
ranking 40
ranking 24
ranking 7
ranking 0



Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
09/08/2021 08:12:18
editou em:
19/09/2022 14:47:32

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