Kiss To Defy: A Multicultural College Sports Romance (Blairwood University)

Kiss To Defy: A Multicultural College Sports Romance (Blairwood University) Anna B. Doe


Kiss To Defy: A Multicultural College Sports Romance (Blairwood University) (Blairwood University #3)

They belong to two completely different worlds…

After dedicating her entire life to figure skating, Rei Mitchell-Nagasaki is ready for a little bit of normal. And what’s more normal than attending college?

Zane West has had a rough life, but he’s found his way out of Ashton Heights and he isn’t about to lose it all when the demons of his past come knocking at the door.

… that are about to collide on the ice.

Rei has one semester to show her father that she can have it all—a normal life and making it to the Winter Games—but it’s not so easy when there is a broody hockey player standing in her way. Once heated arguments turn into sharing the rink and late-night kisses, neither of them will be able to resist the pull.

Will they manage to defy the odds or was their love doomed from the very beginning?

Kiss to Defy is a multicultural college sports romance, an interconnected standalone in the Blairwood University series by Anna B. Doe.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Kiss To Defy: A Multicultural College Sports Romance (Blairwood University)


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Kiss me Forever
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Resenhas para Kiss To Defy: A Multicultural College Sports Romance (Blairwood University) (1)

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O esporte não é só pano de fundo ??
on 17/9/21

Finalmente eu li um livro do jeitinho que queria, Kiss to Defy era tudo que esperava de um livro com personagens que são atletas profissionais. A autora desenvolve a narrativa de forma maravilhosa, te envolvendo desde o primeiro capítulo na trama dos personagens. Temos enemis to friends to lovers. Os personagens são cativantes, imperfeitos e fortes, buscando superar seus problemas em busca daquilo que mais sonham. A escrita da autora é muito envolvente e me presa a história do início a... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 11
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ranking 27
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cadastrou em:
10/09/2021 09:34:58
editou em:
10/09/2021 09:35:29

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