Lights Out

Lights Out Navessa Allen


Lights Out

A Dark Stalker Romance

“I don’t need another kink.”

That thought pops into my head whenever I pull up my favorite social media app, but alas, every time I scroll, I learn something new about myself, and another one is born. And yes, I know I’m responsible for what the algorithm shows me, but I’m trying to ignore that fact.

Lately, my feed has been dominated by masked men. I’ve favorited videos with them dressed in full cosplay, decked out in futuristic military apparel, and wrapped up like ghouls.

But more than anything else, my FYP is filled with shirtless men wearing ghost masks. Bonus points if they’re heavily tattooed, wielding a knife, or covered in fake blood. At night, I dream about being chased by them, of them catching me and doing deliciously dark things to my more than willing body.

I never could have guessed that by sending one drunken text, those dreams would become my new reality.

Lights Out is a fast-paced standalone dark romance with a morally grey male lead. Some themes and scenes may be disturbing to readers. Please check the TWs at the beginning of the book.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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Lights Out
Lights Out


Resenhas para Lights Out (3)

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Um dos melhores livros que já li em toda minha vida
on 12/3/24

Não é só a história que é boa, o livro é MUITO bem escrito. A construção de mundo, os personagens que não fazem drama desnecessário, eles conversam, as cenas hot que são além de espetacular, o gato... os dois são completamente pancadas da cabeça, não negam, inclusive fazem terapia, mas também não vão fazer nada pra mudar. Dito isso, eu nem sei oq falar sem dar muito spoiler. Tudo aqui vale muito a pena de ser saboreado. Se esse livro apareceu pra vc, vc provavelmente segue a gale... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 26
ranking 50
ranking 31
ranking 12
ranking 8
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
24/11/2023 20:03:37
editou em:
24/11/2023 20:04:13

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