The Traitor

The Traitor V.S. Alexander


The Traitor

Drawing on the true story of the White Rose—the resistance movement of young Germans against the Nazi regime—The Traitor tells of one woman who offers her life in the ultimate battle against tyranny, during one of history’s darkest hours.

In the summer of 1942, as war rages across Europe, a series of anonymous leaflets appears around the University of Munich, speaking out against escalating Nazi atrocities. The leaflets are hidden in public places, or mailed to addresses selected at random from the phone book. Natalya Petrovich, a student, knows who is behind the leaflets—a secret group called the White Rose, led by siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl and their friends.

As a volunteer nurse on the Russian front, Natalya witnessed the horrors of war first-hand. She willingly enters the White Rose’s circle, where every hushed conversation, every small act of dissent could mean imprisonment or death at the hands of an infuriated Gestapo. Natalya risks everything alongside her friends, hoping the power of words will encourage others to resist. But even among those she trusts most, there is no guarantee of safety—and when danger strikes, she must take an extraordinary gamble in her own personal struggle to survive.

Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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Ficção e história real!
on 20/11/21

?A traidora de Hitler? é um romance inspirado em um, dos muitos grupos de resistência nazista, o Rosa Branca. Livro rico em detalhes, com personagens bem desenvolvidos e com uma história atrativa. Natalya, personagem principal do livro, me mostrou o verdadeiro significado de resistência contra a tirania de Hitler. Apesar de todo o sofrimento que viveu, foi uma mulher forte perante seus princípios. ?Fui em frente, eternamente orgulhosa, com a promessa de nunca deixar o mundo ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 235
ranking 50
ranking 38
ranking 11
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
10/11/2020 17:01:04
editou em:
10/11/2020 17:01:20

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