Trying to Score

Trying to Score Kendall Ryan


Trying to Score (Hot Jocks #3)

Teddy King excels at many things. Playing hockey. Check. Scoring on and off the ice. Check. Being stupidly attractive ... Double check.

I knew him way back when. Before he was the guy everyone wanted a piece of, he was just a rebellious college co-ed and one of my more energetic study partners.

But secrets have a way of getting out, and a steamy encounter from our college days (that we probably shouldn't have filmed) is about to cause a major scandal. Unless we can work together to stop it.

Teddy’s no stranger to hard work … but the thing he wants most?

Is me.

Note: This high-heat standalone is chock-full of scorching banter and steamy good times. He's a testosterone-dripping hockey player who wants a second chance. She's a tough as nails attorney intent on making partner. Loads of sexy banter! No cliffhanger. Enjoy!

Your favorite hot jocks are back with an all new stand-alone novel. If you like sexy, confident men who know how to handle a stick (on and off the ice), and smart women who are strong enough to keep all those big egos in check, this series is perfect for you!

Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

Edições (1)

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Trying to Score


(8) ver mais
Crossing the Line
Playing for Keeps
All the Way
Wild For You

Resenhas para Trying to Score (1)

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Meu favorito da série até o momento
on 3/5/21

Quando Teddy e Sara fizeram faculdade juntos, eles se envolveram e acabaram gravando uma sex tape. Anos depois, ainda amigos, Teddy recebe um e-mail anônimo de uma pessoa ameaçando vazar esse vídeo. A relações públicas do time de hockey dele então fala para os dois fingirem estar em um relacionamento, a partir daí tudo desenrola. Ambos ainda tem sentimentos da época da faculdade, e não sabem lidar com isso direito em meio a situação em que se encontram. O livro é super divertido, o T... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 16
ranking 19
ranking 31
ranking 38
ranking 6
ranking 6



Letícia Gui
cadastrou em:
11/05/2020 12:04:48

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