Next Of Kin

Next Of Kin Hannah Bonam-Young


Next Of Kin (The Next Series #1)

A Foster Guardians' Romance

Two bickering strangers, Chloe and Warren, are partnered by Child Protective Services to qualify for next of kin fostering of their younger siblings.

When people-pleasing Chloe learns that her birth mother has unexpectedly had another baby, she doesn’t hesitate to become a next-of-kin guardian. But when she fails to pass Child Protective Services’ financial evaluation, she is faced with a choice: see her baby sister placed in foster care or participate in CPS’ new initiative, TeamUp.
Enter Warren, a surly mechanic’s apprentice attempting to get custody of his deaf fifteen-year-old brother after failing CPS’ housing evaluation. The two strangers immediately clash but agree to live together until Warren can find housing elsewhere and Chloe can further grow her freelance career.
As their lives intertwine, Chloe and Warren both realise that they’re far more similar than they could have imagined. What started as forced begins to feel natural—and far less lonely. Chemistry soon intensifies beyond what either of them can stand, but they must each decide if what burns between them is worth risking their arrangement.

With banter, heart, and steam that will have the reader blushing, NEXT OF KIN is a true underdog story of two young adults redefining what family can look like.

Content Warnings:
For adult readers only due to explicit (consensual) sexual content, child abandonment (referenced in memory), substance abuse and addiction (referenced, not described), foster care and adoption (theme throughout), references to anxiety (brief description of a panic attack), and death of a parent (referenced in memory).

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Next Of Kin


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Next of kin
on 29/1/24

Amo muito a escrita da hannah, adoro o jeito que ela escreve os personagens e suas histórias. impossível não se identificar pelo menos um pouco com eles um ótimo livro pra passar o tempo e se divertir um pouco... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 164
ranking 15
ranking 48
ranking 31
ranking 5
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
14/06/2022 18:50:43
editou em:
07/08/2023 11:13:26

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