Strictly Business

Strictly Business Carrie Elks


Strictly Business (The Salinger Brothers #1)

A swoony, feel-good enemies to lovers romantic comedy

One office. Two enemies. And a secret he cannot find out…
You know that post-vacation glow? Where you’re all sun-kissed and optimistic and determined to make changes in your life?
Well, mine lasted for about five minutes. Until I walked into the office and saw Myles Salinger sitting in my boss’s chair.
One look at his scowling face was enough to make me want to fly straight back to Europe. And no, he’s not getting any of the donuts I brought in for the team. He doesn’t deserve them.
You see, on paper he’s my contemporary. But in reality he’s been my workplace nemesis for the last two years.
Lucky for us we’re usually separated by five hundred miles.
But now he’s here in my face, throwing his impressive weight around and driving everybody crazy with his demands.
Especially me.
Good thing he doesn’t know the big decision I made while I was away.
That I’m going to try for a baby. Alone.
If he ever finds out he’ll never let me hear the end of it.
So let’s keep it between us. Okay?
Strictly Business is a steamy enemies-to-lovers romance. Expect some hot scenes, a little cussing and two characters whose heads you’d love to bang together…

Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Strictly Business


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Resenhas para Strictly Business (5)

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Enemies to lovers
on 5/8/22

Comecei a ler esse livro por influência da publicidade da própria autora nas redes sociais. Eu amo um enemies to lovers e esse não me decepcionou. A premissa é ótima e eu fiquei super curiosa pra ser como os fatos se desenrolaram entre eles. A Ava tá tentando engravidar, mas ela não achou o cara certo. Decide fazer uma inseminação, mas nunca pensou que o doador pudesse ser alguém conhecido. O Myles é o cara arrogante que vem trabalhar com ela. Eles já têm um desafeto há algum tempo, m... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.8 / 56
ranking 32
ranking 39
ranking 23
ranking 5
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
28/07/2022 11:22:26
editou em:
28/07/2022 11:23:57

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