Memories of Mistletoe

Memories of Mistletoe Carrie Elks


Memories of Mistletoe (Winterville Book #4)

A Small Town Grumpy Sunshine Holiday Romance

He’s not made for relationships. Especially not the kind she wants…

Mason Parker doesn’t believe in love. Sure, he cares about people. His younger brother, for example. That’s why he’s bringing him all the way to an abandoned cabin in the mountains to straighten him out.

But love? That’s for fairytales. And people who haven’t had the hope knocked out of them.

People like his brand new Little-Miss-Sunshine neighbor with the golden hair and unwavering smile.

Alaska Winter is a pure romantic. Her silver linings always outnumber the clouds. So when two hulking brothers move into the abandoned shack next door, she puts on a smile and introduces herself.

And gets knocked back.

That’s okay. She’ll just be neighborly from a distance. She won’t notice the way Mason’s muscles flex whenever he uses an axe, or the way his eyes are like flint whenever he looks at her.

And he won’t notice the way she plays with her dog in the snow when she’s only wearing skimpy pajamas.

Neighbors. That’s all they’ll be. What could possibly go wrong?

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Memories of Mistletoe


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Resenhas para Memories of Mistletoe (1)

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Mal acaba o Halloween e a gente fica como?
on 18/11/22

O livro é fofo. Fofo, sabe? Na minha opinião é exatamente o que a gente espera de um romance de natal. Fofinho. Único problema pra mim foi a inclusão da troop de "eles se conheceram na infância" que eu pelo menos não sou nada fã. E tudo que vem com essa "revelação". Não quero falar mais nada pra não dar spoiler, mas incrível como pais narcisistas nunca sabem que eles são narcisistas, né? Enfim, recomendo a leitura pra quem gosta de livros gostosinhos sem grandes reviravoltas, com u... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 11
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Camila Baltazar
cadastrou em:
18/11/2022 12:26:56
Camila Baltazar
editou em:
18/11/2022 12:27:35