Psyche and Eros: A Novel

Psyche and Eros: A Novel Luna McNamara


Psyche and Eros: A Novel

In this utterly transporting retelling of Greek mythology, the god of desire is cursed to fall for a spirited young mortal woman, but if she looks upon his face they will be parted forever—an epic adventure and love story for the ages, sure to satisfy fans of Madeline Miller and V.E. Schwab

Who said true love is a myth?

A prophecy claims that Psyche, princess of Mycenae, will conquer a monster feared by the gods. Beloved by her family but at odds with her society’s expectations for women, Psyche trains to become a hero, mastering blade and bow. 

When Psyche angers Aphrodite, the love goddess enlists Eros, god of desire, to help deliver a cruel curse. Eros is the last born of the eldest gods, dry-witted and jaded, unsure of his place in the cosmos. The last thing he wants is to become involved in the chaos of the mortal world, but when he pricks himself with the arrow intended for Psyche, Eros is doomed to yearn for a woman who will be torn from him the moment their eyes meet.

A joyous and subversive tale of gods, monsters, and the human heart and soul, Psyche and Eros dazzles the senses while exploring notions of trust, sacrifice, and what it truly means to be a hero. With unforgettably vivid characters, spellbinding prose, and delicious tension, Luna McNamara has crafted a shimmering and propulsive debut novel about a love so strong it defies the will of Olympus. 

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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Psyche and Eros: A Novel
Psyche and Eros
Psiquê e Eros


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Resenhas para Psyche and Eros: A Novel (37)

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O amor salva.
on 28/1/24

Eu gostei muito do livro. Achei um ótimo reconto, amo tudo que envolve deuses da mitologia então pra mim foi muito gostosinha a leitura. O livro tem uma pegada de romance, aventura e também fantasia. Temos duas fases de Psiquê e Eros, eles crianças e adolescentes e depois a fase adulta. Psiquê uma princesa a frente do seu tempo quis aprender a caçar, a lutar, a se defender, ela queria ser uma heroína. Eros o deus do desejo, fazia o que lhe era destinado, atirar suas flechas e fazer c... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 149
ranking 28
ranking 48
ranking 19
ranking 5
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/11/2022 16:30:58
editou em:
22/11/2022 16:31:29

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