Blood Over Bright Haven

Blood Over Bright Haven M. L. Wang


Blood Over Bright Haven #1

English Edition

Magic has made the city of Tiran an industrial utopia, but magic has a cost—and the collectors have come calling.

An orphan since the age of four, Sciona has always had more to prove than her fellow students. For twenty years, she has devoted every waking moment to the study of magic, fueled by a mad desire to achieve the impossible: to be the first woman ever admitted to the High Magistry. When she finally claws her way up the ranks to become a highmage, however, she finds that her challenges have just begun. Her new colleagues will stop at nothing to let her know she is unwelcome, beginning with giving her a janitor instead of a qualified lab assistant.

What neither Sciona nor her peers realize is that her taciturn assistant was once more than a janitor; before he mopped floors for the mages, Thomil was a nomadic hunter from beyond Tiran’s magical barrier. Ten years have passed since he survived the perilous crossing that killed his family. But working for a highmage, he sees the opportunity to finally understand the forces that decimated his tribe, drove him from his homeland, and keep the Tiranish in power.

Through their fractious relationship, mage and outsider uncover an ancient secret that could change the course of magic forever—if it doesn’t get them killed first. Sciona has defined her life by the pursuit of truth, but how much is one truth worth with the fate of civilization in the balance?

A standalone dark academia brimming with mystery, tragedy, and the damning echoes of the past. For fans of Leigh Bardugo, V. E. Schwab, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

(Content warnings for gore, sexual assault, and suicidal ideation)

Distopia / Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

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Blood Over Bright Haven


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on 18/4/24

Esse livro tem quase que as mesmas temáticas que tem em Babel, da RF Kuang, porém ele acerta em todos os lugares onde Babel erra. E isso vem de uma leitura super fã da Kuang, para vocês terem uma ideia. Assim como em Babel, temos uma protagonista inserida em uma prestigiada Instituição que alimenta a cidade com uma magia ligada ao conhecimento. Esse conhecimento, obviamente, é reservado a um pequeno e seleto grupo e é utilizado para propagação de desigualdades – para acessar os benefíc... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.7 / 17
ranking 78
ranking 22
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cadastrou em:
08/08/2023 13:47:09
editou em:
08/08/2023 13:47:42

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