True Luna: The Final Battle (The White Wolf Series Book 6)

True Luna: The Final Battle (The White Wolf Series Book 6) Tessa Lily


True Luna: The Final Battle (The White Wolf Series Book 6) (The White Wolf Series #6)

“I love you,” I told her. “I love you with my entire heart and soul.”

She looked up at me and chuckled darkly. All I saw in her eyes was darkness. The color of her eyes that I loved so much was completely gone.

“We’ve been through so much,” I said. “I am not letting this thing take you away from me. I am not letting it destroy us.”

She remained silent and tilted her head a little. My heart was breaking inside my chest. My love wasn’t here. That thing took her place.

“I love you,” I told her again. “I will never stop loving you.”

In the final installment of The White Wolf Series, Sophia's family fights a desperate battle against the lingering darkness that refuses to leave Sophia’s body. They fought and won a battle, but now it is time to win the war.

With time ticking away, they embark on a race against fate, desperate to find a way to get rid of the darkness once and for all.

Will they find a way to get rid of the darkness before it’s too late? Will they succeed in banishing the darkness before it claims their most cherished treasure? Will the darkness take away the one person they all love the most?

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True Luna: The Final Battle (The White Wolf Series Book 6)


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on 2/3/24

A história principal ficou massante... Podia ter sido mais, mas não foi. Emma venceu as trevas e foi tudo extremamente previsível. Amei a parte da foto, mas ela devia ter contado a Logan e Andrew . Mas a pior parte de todas é que eu estava realmente esperando pra ver o momento em que Alex descobrisse Hazel como sua companheira, porque eu já sabia desde o aniversário de 6 anos dela. E foi um parágrafo maravilhoso porque ele diz : eu puxei meu pai, já tinha 25 anos e tinha desistido de e... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/08/2023 13:32:24
editou em:
27/08/2023 13:32:55

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