The New Lords of the Rings: Olympic Corruption and How to Buy Gold Medals

The New Lords of the Rings: Olympic Corruption and How to Buy Gold Medals Andrew Jennings


The New Lords of the Rings: Olympic Corruption and How to Buy Gold Medals

Andrew Jennings

The New Lords of the Rings: Olympic Corruption and How to Buy Gold Medals - June 02,1996

The world of modern Olympic sport is a secretive, elite domain where decisions are taken behind closed doors, where money is spent on creating a fabulous life-style for a tiny circle of officials and funds destined for sport are siphoned away to offshore bank accounts. This investigation of the hidden corruption behind the Olympic ideal reveals: how Princess Anne's attempt to unseat the unpopular athletics supremo Primo Nibiolo was sabotaged by secret deals from within, how bribes were paid to win gold medals for Korean boxers in the Seoul Olympics, that Berlin's bid for the 2000 Olympics was so corrupt that the State parliament set up an enquiry, that millions of dollars are spent by bidding cities to woo those who decide where the games will be held, when in fact often the decision has already been made, and that the Olympic number two, Korea's Dr Kim Un Yung, is a trained killer and a former spy.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Crime / Esportes / Não-ficção

Edições (1)

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The New Lords of the Rings: Olympic Corruption and How to Buy Gold Medals


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Bruno Rivera
cadastrou em:
16/03/2024 23:30:47
Bruno Rivera
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16/03/2024 23:31:17

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