
You're Not My King! (Extra! Extraterrestrial #1) Eryn Hawk


You're Not My King! (Extra! Extraterrestrial #1)

Reuben Carter

Throwing myself in front of my estranged sister didn’t win me any brownie points. It did, however, grant me one alien abduction and a cozy cell on an actual-freaking-spaceship, where I’m being poked and prepped for relocation to some backwater trading planet, then sold to the highest bidder—how’s that for a hero’s reward?

My escape plans hit a snag when Vo’ak, the hot and arrogant lizard king, buys me the second I land. There’s no denying our serious chemistry, but I gotta get back to the familiarity of Earth, where free will kinda exists and I’m no one's pet. However, chasing the comfort of old memories starts feeling like an unnecessary fixation, and I must decide what “home” really means before making any more stupid mistakes.


As Great Leader of U'suhk, I am bound by duty to protect my kind and territory. The traitorous Northern Clan—a thorn in my side—forces me closer to war each day, but now, with the honor of a mate-bond stirring in my soul, there is an unexpected shift in my attention that cannot be resisted.

My tiny, fragile Roo-bin is a delight and, though lamenting a woeful past, must be claimed. However, his aversion to obedience and ignorance of our customs means protecting him proves a near-impossible task. If I cannot make the sweet, stubborn creature understand the dangers we face, even my plentiful strength and skill may not be enough to keep him safe.

YOU'RE NOT MY KING! is an MM alien romance with language barriers, banter, and barbarian aliens. It features a hot lizard king from the planet U'suhk, and a traumatized little human, who is abducted by accident and forced to become an alien's mate. It’s part of the EXTRA! EXTRATERRESTRIAL shared world with Fae Quin, where each book focuses on its own pair and their HEA. While these stories can act as standalones, it is best to read each author’s books in the order of their publication due to world-building. Minor plot points involving secondary characters will also be resolved as the series progresses.

If you want to know more about this story's tropes, kinks, and warnings, visit my Instagram (authorerynhawk) for a full content list—or check the content warning at the beginning of the book

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para You're Not My King! (Extra! Extraterrestrial #1) (1)

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on 29/4/24

A autora meio que se perdeu do final pro meio sem saber como fazer certas coisas. as atitudes do rueben são compreensíveis, mas não deixam de dar raiva pq uma hora ele fala uma coisa e na outra fala uma totalmente diferente kk. Enfim ne.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
16/04/2024 19:14:47
editou em:
16/04/2024 19:15:17

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