Black Bird #07

Black Bird #07 kanoko sakurakouji


Black Bird #07

There is a world of myth and magic that intersects ours, and only a special few can see it. Misao Harada is one such person, and she wants nothing to do with magical realms. She just wants to have a normal high school life and maybe get a boyfriend. But she is the bride of demon prophecy, and her blood grants incredible powers, her flesh immortality. Now the demon realm is fighting over the right to her hand or her life. Misao knows her relationship with Kyo is dangerous, but she's used to being the one in peril. Will she be able to stand it when the tables are turned and Kyo is threatened? As leader of the tengu clan and boyfriend of the Senka Maiden, Kyo gets a lot of attention in the demon world, and very little of it is good. From the wrath of a reincarnated dragon to the hatred of a demon hunter, Misao must face the fact that she isn't the only one at risk in the relationship. But how can she just stand by while Kyo is threatened?

Drama / Humor, Comédia / Infantojuvenil / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Black Bird #07
Black Bird #07


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Resenhas para Black Bird #07 (3)

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Black Bird Vol.7 ?
on 23/10/21

Primeiramente que extras maravilhosos que esse volume trouxe! ?????? Segundo, QUE DIABOS DE PERSONAGEM NOVO É ESSE? O bonito chega falando com a Misao como se fosse íntimo dela a anos, buga a menina todinha, é super grosso com ela, MANO???! Pegou a educação que os pais devem ter dado pra ele e enfiou [*****]! ? Ai, enfim! Amei o volume, o relacionamento deles só melhora, o que estraga pra mim, é a idade da Misao. A mangaká errou muito na idade dela, incomoda muito ela ter 16 e o Kyou ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 224
ranking 58
ranking 24
ranking 16
ranking 2
ranking 0



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