Equal Parts

Equal Parts Emma Winters


Equal Parts

Supernova #1

Nobody knows happiness better than nineteen-year-old Felicity Eastwood. For years now, she’s been ‘gifted’ with the ability to collect and transfer happiness to anyone at will. Well, everyone except herself.
That is until Achilles - renowned criminal mastermind with a face painted like Death and enough charm to cause hormonal riots – crashes into Felicity’s world and makes her feel … something.

Determined not to let such a coveted superpower slip beyond his reach, Achilles kidnaps Felicity, hoping to use her ability to brave his own skeletons. Felicity is only a half-unwilling prisoner though, forgoing escape to learn more of the man behind the mask and pursue the inexplicable spark between them.

As the lines between hero and villain begin to blur, Felicity finds herself wondering if Achilles might be the key to her own happiness at long last. Is it possible to be so happy with someone so dangerous?

But Achilles isn’t the only villain in the town, and the pursuit of happiness can be a deadly hunt…

Equal Parts is a 78,000-word New Adult novel. It is recommended for readers 17+.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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Equal Parts


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Equal Parts
on 13/1/22

Okay, eu amei muito isso. Primeiro, eu tinha lido gente falando mal da Felicity e achei que ela ia ser mocinha boazinha que ia ficar enchendo o saco do Achilles por ele ser mal, mas me surpreendi pessoalmente e amei ela. Ela é engraçada, durona e corajosa, não tem nada de boazinha e eu adorei. Amei também o Achilles, mesmo que achasse ele meio babaca as vezes, mas é esperado do vilão. Mesmo assim, amei o jeito sarcástico e confiante dele. Só queria mais que eles virassem mais um casal ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/09/2015 17:23:19

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