Jean-Christophe - I

Jean-Christophe - I Romain Rolland


Jean-Christophe - I

O alvorecer, A manhã, O adolescente;

Jean-Christophe de Romain Rolland (Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915 com esta mesma obra). desenvolve a biografia imaginária de Jean-Christophe Krafft, um gênio da música, do nascimento à morte, traçando um amplo quadro sócio-político da segunda metade do Século XIX à Belle Époque, “uma época de decomposição moral e social da França”... Personagem parcialmente baseado em Ludwig van Beethoven, de quem, aliás, Rolland escreveu uma biografia, Jean-Christophe é um herói criado para “ver e julgar” a sua época, agindo não pelo pensamento ou pela força mas pelo coração. E, na verdade, Rolland vê e julga pelos olhos e palavras de seu alter ego, com comentários corajosos sobre música, artes plásticas, literatura, poesia e costumes.

[From Wikipedia] '(...) Although Romain Rolland first conceived the work in Rome in the spring of 1890, he began in earnest in 1903 after publishing a biography of Beethoven. A letter of 13 September 1902 reveals his plans: "My novel is the story of a life, from birth to death. My hero is a great German musician [of Belgian extraction] who is forced by circumstances to leave when he is 16-18 years old, living outside of Germany in Paris, Switzerland, etc. The setting is today's Europe [...] To spell it out, the hero is Beethoven in the modern world". "[...] Jean-Christophe has always seemed to me to flow like a river; I have said as much from the first pages."

This coined the term roman-fleuve (river-novel), which has since been applied to other novel sequences in the same style. Many individual tomes swerve from the story of Krafft to focus on the other characters. Rolland was an admirer of Leon Tolstoy, and, as in "War and Peace", a very large proportion of the work is devoted to the author's thoughts on various subjects: music, art, literature, feminism, militarism, national character, and social changes in the Third Republic of France...

Artes / Aventura / Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Ficção / Filosofia / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Sociologia

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Jean-Christophe - I


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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
06/03/2016 17:22:55
editou em:
14/08/2023 19:43:14

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