Open Channel D: The Man From UNCLE Affair

Open Channel D: The Man From UNCLE Affair Dagomir Marquezi


Open Channel D: The Man From UNCLE Affair

The series "The Man From UNCLE" (1964-1968) was intended as a sort of "James Bond for TV" ( and from the same "father", Ian Fleming). But it turned out to be a totally original spy fiction universe and has earned a huge fan club around the world. At the peak of the Cold War, the series dared placing an American spy side by side with a Soviet one as partners. Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) is the American agent. Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum) is the Russian spy.

Now, Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer are Solo and Kuryakin's new faces in a stylish movie directed by Guy Ritchie. The eBook "The Man From UNCLE Affair" tells the story of this pop culture legend, one that has become the very definition of "cool" - in 1964 as in 2015. Check out Del Florias secret entrance to UNCLE HQ, meet Alexander Waverly, the organization's director, and rekindle your memories with a complete episode guide (including spinoff "The Girl From UNCLE"). And check the lists - guest stars, directors, writers, weapons, places of actions, evil plots, etc.

What's the meaning of THRUSH? Where are UNCLE regional bases located around the world? What kind of weapons is THRUSH capable of producing? What kind of missions does Mr Alexander Waverly assign to his agents? Why were they not encouraged to get married? Why was The Girl From UNCLE a big flop? What are the differences between the original series and the 2015 motion picture? What's UNCLE's phone number? Why do every episode and film feature an "innocent" character? Do UNCLE agents get a retirement plan? How did Batman almost destroy "The Man From UNCLE"?

Get on Channel D for answers and much more.

The Man From UNCLE (c) MGM - Warner Brother


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Open Channel D: The Man From UNCLE Affair


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Regiane Moreira
cadastrou em:
13/04/2016 17:33:53

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