The White Book

The White Book Han Kang


The White Book

From the winner of the Man Booker International Prize for The Vegetarian

Writing while on a residency in Warsaw, a city palpably scarred by the violence of the past, the narrator finds herself haunted by the story of her older sister, who died a mere two hours after birth. A fragmented exploration of white things - the swaddling bands that were also her shroud, the breast milk she did not live to drink, the blank page on which the narrator herself attempts to reconstruct the story - unfolds in a powerfully poetic distillation.

As she walks the unfamiliar, snow-streaked streets, lined by buildings formerly obliterated in the Second World War, their identities blur and overlap as the narrator wonders, 'Can I give this life to you?'. The White Book is a book like no other. It is a meditation on a colour, on the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit, and our attempts to graft new life from the ashes of destruction.

This is both the most autobiographical and the most experimental book to date from South Korean master Han Kang.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Ficção

Edições (3)

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O livro branco
The White Book
The White Book


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on 6/3/23

Han Kang é uma das autoras que pretendo ler absolutamente tudo que publicar, por amar a sua escrita e visão de mundo. Em The white book ela vai discorrer sobre objetos, situações e lembranças que a remetem à cor branca. Cheio de relatos intimistas e pessoais, ela vai traçando um caminho, de forma poética, e o leitor é convidado a compreender e refletir sobre as nuances dessa atração pelo branco e a história além disso. Muitas vezes se tratam de dor, vazio e solidão, especialmente toc... leia mais


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ranking 46
ranking 18
ranking 2
ranking 2



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