The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne Supremacy Robert Ludlum


The Bourne Supremacy (Jason Bourne #2)

Ludlum has never come up with a more head-spinning, spine-jolting, intricately mystifying, Armageddonish, in short Ludlumesque, thriller than this. A Peking leader of seemingly irreproachable reputation, secretly a Kuomintang fanatic, has masterminded a plot to take over Hong Kong via political assassination, the result of which would be civil war in China and possibly global disaster. His principal agent is an assassin-for-hire masquerading as the legendary "Jason Bourne," a one-time secret U.S. agent now, under his real name David Webb, struggling with the aid of a psychiatrist and his loving wife Marie to recover from amnesia. Only one man can destroy the conspiracy: Webb, who must be persuaded to re-assume his Bourne identity, track down the impostor and through him lay a trap for the vile Shengthe "persuasion" to be by way of his abducted wife. The action jolts from the back alleys of Hong Kong and Kowloon to a secret government complex in the Colorado mountains to the seats of power in Peking and even the interior of Mao's tomb. Every chapter ends with a cliff-hanger; the story brims with assassination, torture, hand-to-hand combat, sudden surprise and intrigue within intrigue. It's a sure-fire bestseller.

(Publishers Weekly)

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (4)

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The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Supremacy


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Resenhas para The Bourne Supremacy (2)

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Não tão bom quanto eu esperava!
on 23/5/10

Quando li "A identidade Bourne" a única crítica que fiz foi em razão das questões políticas nele abordadas, que considerei um pouco complicadas, porém, inteligíveis. Em "A supremacia Bourne", contudo, o enredo político é muito mais intricado e confuso,a ponto de comprometer o ritmo do enredo. A estória só engrena depois de umas 200 páginas e o complexo complô político na Ásia, que serve de pano de fundo para a nova "batalha" de Bourne, faz com que o livro, por vezes, fique chato. Acho... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 15
ranking 20
ranking 53
ranking 27
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cadastrou em:
30/01/2010 11:30:38
editou em:
22/08/2018 17:39:05

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