Black Science Premiere Hardcover Volume 1 Remastered Edition

Black Science Premiere Hardcover Volume 1 Remastered Edition Rick Remender...


Black Science Premiere Hardcover Volume 1 Remastered Edition

Grant McKay, former member of The Anarchistic Order of Scientists, has finally done the impossible: He has deciphered Black Science and punched through the barriers of reality. But what lies beyond the veil is not epiphany, but chaos. Now Grant and his team are lost, living ghosts shipwrecked on an infinite ocean of alien worlds, barreling through the long-forgotten, ancient, and unimaginable dark realms. The only way is forward. The only question is how far are they willing to go, and how much can they endure, to get home again? Collecting the first three arcs of the seminal pulp sci-fi smash hit by jive-ass, super powered, disco dancers RICK REMENDER and MATTEO SCALERA. Crammed with sketches, concept art and other rare goodies in a glorious oversized 8x12" hardcover, truly the most incredible edition of BLACK SCIENCE in all the Eververse.

This new edition fixes the binding issue of the first release of this collection. Original had glued spine without any extra page space, cutting out a big chunk of art and even some dialogue. Love Image's high quality paper - but it made for some pretty bad gutter loss.
This one is sewn like Vol 2. They also added a bunch of extra bonus content and changed up the cover/spine to make it seem like a different release as well - but the purpose of this book is pretty obviously just to fix the binding of the original without admitting the mistake.

If you own the original, just bite the bullet and upgrade to this version, it's much much better. (And surprisingly more dense.)
If you are looking to upgrade from floppies or trades, this is the version you want.
If you have none of these things, what's wrong with you? Read this book already.

Collects BLACK SCIENCE #1-16.

Ficção científica / HQ, comics, mangá

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Black Science Premiere Hardcover Volume 1 Remastered Edition


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08/07/2019 10:44:09

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