5 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 5

Starship Century

Starship Century
Toward the Grandest HorizonGregory Benford (editor), James Benford (editor), Neal Stephenson, David Brin, Joe Haldeman, .................................
Ano:2013 / Páginas:340
1939051290 | Lucky Bat Books | 7 leitores

Nebula Awards 22

Nebula Awards 22
Edited by George ZebrowskiGeorge Zebrowski (Editor), Isaac Asimov, Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Algis Budrys, ........................
Ano:1986 / Páginas:332
0151649294 | Harvest Books |

What Might Have Been

9780743487290 | [New York] Bantam Spectra Books |

The Best Science Fiction of the Year No. 12

The Best Science Fiction of the Year No. 12
Edited by Terry CarrTerry Carr (Editor), Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling, William Gibson, Joanna Russ, .................................
Ano:1983 / Páginas:359
0671466801 | Pocket Books |

The Best Science Fiction of the Year

The Best Science Fiction of the Year#11
Terry Carr (Editor)Terry Carr (Editor), Poul Anderson, Downey Broxon, Ted Reynolds, John Varley, ..........................................
Ano:1982 / Páginas:438
0671444832 | Pocket Books |

5 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 5

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