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Trois hourras pour lady Évangeline

9782367935171 | L'Atalante |

Etoiles mourantes

9782290325391 | JC Dunyach Editeur | 1 leitores

Escales sur l

Escales sur l'horizon : Seize Grands Récits de Science-Fiction
Édité par Serge LehmanSerge Lehman (Editor), Laurent Genefort, Richard Canal, Ayerdhal, Thomas Day, ..........................................
Ano:1998 / Páginas:612
2265064777 | Fleuve Noir |

The SFWA European Hall of Fame

The SFWA European Hall of Fame
Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the ContinentJames Morrow (ed.), Kathryn Morrow (ed.), Jean-Claude Dunyach, Elena Arsenieva, Valerio Evangelisti, ..............................
Ano:2007 / Páginas:336
9780765315366 | Tor | 1 leitores


Year's Best SF 10
David Hartwell (org.), Kathryn Cramer (org.), Neal Asher, Bradley Denton, Gregory Benford, ....................................
Ano:2005 / Páginas:510
9780060575618 | EOS / HarperCollins | 2 leitores

The Year

The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection
Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling, Charles de Lint, Kelly Link, Ellen Wernecke, .................................................................................................................................
Ano:2002 / Páginas:672
0312290675 | St. Martin's Griffin |

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