4 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 4

The Place of Magic in the Intellectual History of Europe

Faculty of Political Science Columbia University | 3 leitores

A history of magic and experimental science

A history of magic and experimental science
Volume III: the fourteenth and fifteenth centuriesLynn Thorndike
Ano:1934 / Páginas:827
9780231087964 | Columbia University Press | 1 leitores

The History of Medieval Europe (English Edition)

B07BW8SYWQ | Perennial Press | 14 leitores

A history of magic and experimental science

A history of magic and experimental science
Volume IV: the fourteenth and fifteenth centuriesLynn Thorndike
Ano:1934 / Páginas:767
9780231087971 | Columbia University Press | 4 leitores

4 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 4

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