A Vingança do Marciano

A Vingança do Marciano Vargo Statten...

PDF - A Vingança do Marciano

The Avenging Martian (1938 as "Red Heritage"; revised 1950) / (1951) by Vargo Statten [aka] the english author John Russell Fearn '-' Naves interplanetárias com as mais avançadas armas de guerra entrecruzam - se no espaço na incruenta luta pela hegemonia do universo. A terra invadida! Conflitos entre os mundos ! As inteligências mais avassaladoras movimentam as forças dos planetas em beneficio dos seus funestos objetivos! ... Um entrechoque de emoções! Encontrado apenas nessa Coleção, um coquetel das mais vibrantes aventuras dos ficcionistas do cosmo...

The Avenging Martian (Kindle Edition / ASIN: B00UFXPN1S) by John Russell Fearn / Vargo Statten (Author): A cosmic atrocity of the ancient past-the murder of the planet Mars by Venusian super-scientists who strip the planet of its air and water, leaving only a handful of survivors on a dying world! Martian scientist Jad Inicus embarks on am amazing scheme of revenge-by sending two young Martians, male and female, to a prehistoric earth. His cry for revenge reverberated down the corridors of centuries, and when it throbbed to awaking in Arnath Layton, his remote ancestor on Earth, the descendants of the malign Venusians were truly doomed! Another cosmic saga of this prolific author, novelized from the pages of Astounding Stories.

John Russell Fearn (1908–1960) was a British author and one of the first British writers to appear in American pulp science fiction magazines. Prolific author, he published his novels also as Vargo Statten and with various pseudonyms such as Thornton Ayre, Polton Cross, Geoffrey Armstrong, John Cotton, Dennis Clive, Ephriam Winiki, Astron Del Martia and others. Fearn was a prolific writer who wrote Westerns and crime fiction as well as science fiction. His writing appeared under numerous pseudonyms. He wrote series like Adam Quirke, Clayton Drew, Golden Amazon, and Herbert. At times these drew on the pulp traditions of Edgar Rice Burroughs. His work received praise for its vividness, but criticism, being deemed "unpolished". [Wikipedia].
[Na Coleção Futurâmica / Série de Ouro -- Tecnoprint]:
551. DUELO DOS MUNDOS – Paul Koenig
552. A VINGANÇA DO MARCIANO – Vargo Statten
553. PLANETA MALDITO – Vargo Statten
554. A CADEIA DAS 7 – Stefan Wul
555. O HOMEM ETERNO – F. Richard Bessière
556. A PATRULHA DO TEMPO – Jimmy Guieu
557. COMANDOS DO ESPAÇO – Jimmy Guieu
558. A INVASÃO DA TERRA – F. Richard Bessière
559. OS PÁRIAS DO ÁTOMO – Max-André Rayjean
560. S.O.S. DISCOS VOADORES – B. R. Bruss
561. A MÁQUINA INFERNAL DO TEMPO – F. Richard Bessière
562. VIGILANTES DO UNIVERSO – Jean-Gaston Vandel
563. NÓS, OS MARCIANOS – Jimmy Guieu
564. OS PIRATAS DE VÊNUS – Paul Koenig
565. PÂNICO NA TERRA! – L. R. Fanthorpe
566. TERRA-MARTE: ANO 2500 – James Elton
567. 15 ANOS EM MARTE – Rex Gordon
568. A DESINTEGRAÇÃO DA MORTE – Orígenes Lessa
570. A ZONA DO CREPÚSCULO – Victor La Salle
571. VIAGEM PARA O DESCONHECIDO – F. Richard Bessière
572. CIDADE DE NOÉ Nº 2 – Jimmy Guieu
573. VIAGEM AO FUNDO DO MAR – Theodore Sturgeon
574. A CABEÇA DO PROFESSOR DOWEL – A. R. Belisiev /Aleksandr Beliaev.

A Vingança do Marciano

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