As Aventuras de Gerard

As Aventuras de Gerard Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

PDF - As Aventuras de Gerard

[Coletânea] The Adventures of Gerard (1903) '-' By his own account, Etienne Gerard is the most supreme specimen of French soldiery to be found in all of Napoleon's empire. (To everyone else, he is a hare-brained Hussar ricocheting blithely through the wars, trailing havoc in his wake.) Reminiscing over the campaigning exploits of his youth - from attempting to explode a Spanish convent, to venturing behind enemy lines only to be swept up in a British fox-hunt - the Brigadier has, somehow, always won through with his honour and dignity (mostly) intact. For, as his beloved Emperor observes, though Gerard may possess the thickest head in the whole French army, he has also the stoutest heart...
[Wikipedia] The stories were originally published in the Strand Magazine between December 1894 and September 1903. They were later issued in two volumes: "The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard" in February 1896 and "The Adventures of Gerard" in September 1903. Some of the titles were changed on re-publication. The last story, "The Marriage of the Brigadier", was published in September 1910. All the stories were published in The Complete Brigadier Gerard in 1995, which includes the story "A Foreign Office Romance" (1894) – a precursor to the stories, but not actually featuring Gerard.

George McDonald Fraser cited Brigadier Gerard as a major inspiration for his own fictional comedic adventurer Harry Flashman, and wrote the introduction to a 2001 collection of Gerard stories. Although rare, the Brigadier Gerard stories are still in print. Twin Engine Publishing HB, Barnes & Noble Books, Echo Library and New York Review Books are some contemporary publishers. In May 2008, Penguin Classics published the complete short stories as The Exploits and Adventures of Brigadier Gerard as part of their Read Red series.

As Aventuras de Gerard

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