
Carol Patricia Highsmith

PDF - Carol

First published in 1952 under the pseudonym Claire Morgan and touted as "the novel of a love society forbids," the book soon became a lesbian cult classic. Yet it was always relegated to a mystery subgenre and never before given the literary recognition that it is now receiving.

Based on a true story plucked from Highsmith's own life, Carol, tells the riveting story of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped in a department store day job, whose routine is forever shattered by an erotic epiphany—the appearance of Carol Aird, a customer who comes in to buy her daughter a Christmas toy. Therese begins to stalk the alluring suburban housewife, who is trapped in a marriage as stultifying as Therese's job. They fall in love and set out across the United States, pursued by a private investigator who eventually blackmails Carol into a choice between her daughter and her lover.


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Mona viada!!!

Principalmente e particularmente amo livro com tema assim, é meu preferido!! Ainda sendo um livro das antrolas mostra o quanto a autora foi corajosa com tal tema. Não é nada tão explícito e nem erótico nas cenas. Uma abordagem até poetica. Particularmente eu iria agir como a Therese fácil fácil. Nem sei o que escrever, livros assim me deixa viada e me faz querer viver um romance do mesmo jeito. ? ? ?As pessoas sempre se apaixonam pelas coisas que não podem ter?? ? ?Sempre?...