Chasing Vermeer

Chasing Vermeer Blue Balliett

PDF - Procurando Vermeer

Chasing Vermeer is a 2004 children's art mystery written by Blue Balliett and illustrated by Brett Helquist. Set in Hyde Park, Chicago near the University of Chicago, the novel follows two children, Calder Pillay and Petra Andalee. After a famous Johannes Vermeer painting is stolen while they are on the way to their art gallery, Calder and Petra work together to try to recover it. The thief publishes many advertisements in the newspaper, explaining that he will give the painting back if the community can discover which paintings under Vermeer's name were really painted by him. This causes Petra, Calder, and the rest of Hyde Park to examine art more closely. Themes of art, chance, coincidence, deception, and problem-solving are apparent.

Chasing Vermeer

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Apenas bom. Achei meio forçado e a escritora viajou em algumas partes. Mas o suspense permanece quase até o fim, isso é muito legal, várias perguntas rodam em torno de todos. Já dividi minhas suspeitas com os personagens principais(Petra e Calder), realmente todos parecem culpados e suspeitos ao mesmo tempo. Nada de extraordinário, é um bom passatempo. ...
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