Encontro de Amor

Encontro de Amor A. J. Cronin

PDF - Encontro De Amor

"Grand Canary" is a novel by author A. J. Cronin, initially published in 1933. It tells the story of Dr. Harvey Leith, an English physician who is wrongfully blamed for the deaths of three patients and leaves his country in disgrace, ultimately finding redemption when thrust into the middle of a yellow fever epidemic in the Canary Islands. Lady Mary Fielding, who is to join her husband in the Canaries, and Dr. Leith, who plans to drown his sorrows in drink, engage in a romance on the steamship en route to their destination. She eventually comes down with the deadly fever after following the doctor into the heart of the fever area as he tends to the sick. Dr. Leith returns to England a hero, and on his arrival, learns that Lady Fielding, who was saved by the doctor's newly discovered serum, has left her husband and is coming to join him. A Fox film of the novel, released in 1934, was produced by Jesse L. Lasky and directed by Irving Cummings.

Encontro de Amor

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Encontro De Amor

É um bom livro leitura rápida e um pouco triste pelos fatos que ocorreram no mesmo. E o fato de ele não ter ficado com a Mary, mas já era esperado, pois ela já era casada e devia respeito ao marido mesmo sem amá-lo. Diferente de hoje em dia que nos casamos por amor e nos separamos por ódio um do outro. A frase que mais amei da leitura foi esta: "NUNCA SENTI O QUE SINTO NESTE MOMENTO. NÃO COMPREENDO, NÃO PROCURO COMPREENDER, MAS SEI QUE MINHA VIDA SEM VOCÊ ERA TERRIVELMENTE VAZIA",...
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