Gossip Girl The Carlyles: Take A Chance On Me (English Edition)

Gossip Girl The Carlyles: Take A Chance On Me (English Edition) Cecily Von Ziegesar


The third book in the deliciously scandalous GOSSIP GIRL THE CARLYLES series. Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle are really finding their feet on the Upper East Side. Owen's secret is out and he and Kelsey can live happily ever after. Can't they? Avery is set to take her place as Queen Bee now she has an internship at Metropolitan magazine. If she could just sort out her love life... And Baby has finally realised that J.P. is just too, well, 'perfect' for her - she wants someone a bit more interesting and surprising. Maybe she needs to look a little further a field... Gossip Girl will keep you informed of all the juicy details - even the ones they don't want you to know!

Gossip Girl The Carlyles: Take A Chance On Me (English Edition)

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