Love Poems

Love Poems Pablo Neruda

Resenhas - Love Poems

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Maria1691 07/12/2023

love poems
but I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me

all the years of my life I walked around looking for them.

take bread away from me, if you wish, take air away, but do not take from me your laughter

when my steps go, when my steps return, deny me bread, air, light, spring, but never your laughter for I would die

we shall always be alone, we shall always be, you and I, alone upon the earth to begin life.

everything carries me to you

my love feeds on your love, beloved, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine

you are deep spring in me: in you I know again how I am born

the sun and the earth had destined you for my hands of stone, until grape by grape you had made the wine sing in my veins

I clutched you to my breast as if I were regaining earth and life

like a broken sword against invincible love

because we were sown together in the earth and we alone did not know it and that we grow together and flower together and therefore when we pass, your name is on the petals of the rose that grows on the stone.

the sea knows our love, the stones of the rocky height know that our kisses flowered with infinite purity.

the arrow that pierced winter, the invincible love, the fire of the days

let your existence cut across me, supposing that my heart is destroyed

how pure you are by sunlight or by fallen night

it is not now possible, at times, to win except by falling

giovanna 15/12/2022

"A flower appear like a drop of orange blood"
É um ótimo livro de poesias, e meu primeiríssimo contato com os escritos do Pablo Neruda. Seus poemas são leves, apaixonantes e deliciosos de ler ? e escutar, o audiobook lido pelo Armando Durán é incrível ? e eu realmente gostei muito, a poesia dele tem algo muito único.

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