Love, Laughter, and Steamy Ever Afters

Love, Laughter, and Steamy Ever Afters Violet Duke...


Love, Laughter, and Steamy Ever Afters

From the hot big city heroes that make us melt, to the sassy small town heroines that make us smile, this limited edition collection has something for everyone. Ten sexy and sweet full-length novelsa wide mix of fun, heart-tugging, addictively romantic love storieseach handpicked by an all-star gathering of ten of todays most popular contemporary romance authors. TEN New York Times Bestselling Authors TEN full-length, standalone novels spanning 2,800+ pages Only available until June (So snag your copy today!) THIS BOXED SET INCLUDES: BELLA ANDRE Cant Help Falling in Love MELISSA FOSTER Seaside Dreams LAUREN BLAKELY Trophy Husband VIOLET DUKE Love, Tussles, and Takedowns SAWYER BENNETT On the Rocks CARLY PHILLIPS Dare to Desire ERIN NICHOLAS Out of Bounds MELANIE SHAWN Actually Love JESSIE EVANS Diamonds and Dust CRISTA MCHUGH Falling for the Wingman INDIVIDUAL NOVEL DESCRIPTIONS: BELLA ANDRE Cant Help Falling in Love (The Sullivans) He can't make the mistake of falling for another fire victim. She can't loveand loseanother man with a dangerous job. Gabe Sullivan & Megan Harris have every reason to stay apart...but they cant help falling in love. MELISSA FOSTER Seaside Dreams (Seaside Summers) Bella Abbascia has quit her job, put her house on the market, and sworn off relationships while she builds a new life in her favorite place on earth, Wellfleet, Massachusetts. That is, until good-time Bellas prank takes a bad turn and a sinfully sexy police officer Caden Grant appears on the scene. After fourteen years of focusing solely on his son, Caden cannot resist the intense attraction he feels toward beautiful Bella, but starting over proves more difficult than either of them imagined. Can true love really conquer all? LAUREN BLAKELY Trophy Husband (Caught Up in Love) Sometimes you can't help falling in love, even when you try to do the opposite... McKenna embarks on a playful, ironic quest for a trophy husband after her ex has ditched her, but along the way she meets someone who rocks her world. And she'll have to choose between protecting her heart from hurt, or letting go of her fears of a new beginning. VIOLET DUKE Love, Tussles, and Takedowns (Cactus Creek) After his combat injuries retire him from the military career he wasn't ready to give up, battle-scarred Hudson Reyes now spends his new life as a movie industry fight scene and weapons specialist simply doing what he knows best: surviving. Until he meets her. The sweet, angel-faced wrecking ball to his good intentionsantique arms authenticator and martial arts maven, Liana Lin. Even though she's everything he's told himself he can't have, sure as sin, if one woman could sneak past the barbed wires he's wrapped around his heart, it'd be her. Now if only they could stop sparring long enough to find out SAWYER BENNETT On the Rocks (The Last Call) He left to travel the world for fame and glory, but only after spurning Gabby Ward and crushing her young heart. Now Hunter Markham has come back home to the salty breeze of the North Carolina Outer Banks and looking at the all-grown-up Gabby in a whole new way. Still bitter over his rebuff years before, Gabby is content to stay far away from him and his dangerously charming ways, but when Hunter presents an offer to her that she simply cant refuse, she has to battle her ever growing attraction to the man that first taught her about heartbreak. CARLY PHILLIPS Dare to Desire (Dare to Love) Quarterback Alex Dare, had it allan all-star football career and his choice of willing womenuntil injury forces him into early retirement. Social worker Madison Evans grew up in foster homes and knows what it means to have-not. She isn't impressed by Alex Dare's wealth or charm. Not since she fell hard for him once before, only to discover she was just one of his too-easy conquests. This time around Madison refuses to succumb. But Alex wants Madison. And if there is one thing Alex does well, it's to get what he wants. Can he convince Madison to take a risk and dare to love? ERIN NICHOLAS Out of Bounds (Boys of Fall) Wild child Jackson Brady doesnt think twice about returning home to help out when his beloved high school football coach gets sick. Jacksons done a lot of growing up in the past twelve years and this is an opportunity to atone for his past sins. But to get back into everyones good graces, he needs to prove hes changed. Sweet, well-respected Annabelle Hartington is the key. If shell give him a second chance, everyone will know hes a new man. Surprisingly, hes not the only one whos changed and it turns out nothing stirs his inner bad boy like the *former* goody-two-shoes. MELANIE SHAWN Actually Love (Crossroads) Real or fake As VP of public relations for SPC, the beautiful and talented Jessie Sloan knew the difference. The order and control she had in her life was real. Love was fake and she didnt have time for fake. Win or lose Sexy, sculpted boxing champ Zach Courtland has had his share of losses in life, but inside the ring, he knew nothing but wins. He was used to taking and landing punches, but little did he know that he was about to get the knockout of his life. JESSIE EVANS Diamonds and Dust (Lonesome Point Texas) Pike Sherman is a legend in Lonesome Point, a hometown boy who made it to the big leagues. Literally. Professional baseball acquired one hell of a pitching arm and its latest celebrity bad boy when the gifted Pike was drafted. His broken heart came along for the ride, too, but he kept that private. After a few days back in Lonesome Point, Pike can't imagine life without Tulsi Hearst, the girl he left behind, but when Tulsi's secret is revealed, his heart is broken all over again. The only thing worse than losing Tulsi, is losing six years with the daughter he didn't know he had. CRISTA MCHUGH Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers) Air Force pilot Caleb Kelly has come back home with one mission in mindto propose to the woman whose letters and lucky charm helped him survive his deployment in Afghanistan. But when he finds their apartment empty with a note saying shes left him, he arrives at her mothers house in rural Alabama too find Kourtney is about to marry another man. Her little sister, Alex, convinces him that the best way to get Kourtney back is to make her think hes fallen for someone newher. But when a fake romance becomes all too real, Alexs deception may leave them both grounded.

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